Spokane Bizfair

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Spokane Falls Community College
3410 W Whistalks Wy
Building 17
Spokane, WA 99224
United States

Are you a business owner? Come to the Spokane Bizfair to learn how to sell your products and services to state government.

Additional information

Bizfair is THE event that all current and aspiring small business owners should attend.

  • Learn about free resources and technical assistance to help you start or grow your business
  • Attend educational seminars led by industry experts
  • Meet representatives for state and federal agencies, local nonprofits, who are ready to help you with your business
  • Follow www.bizfair.wa.gov to stay up to date on event details, speakers, and workshop topics

Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.

Contact us

Ernesto Perez

Supplier Diversity Policy Program Manager