Workshop Materials

Accounting Close/Budget Allotment Workshop 2024

Travel Workshop Info Session

Other useful resources:

Travel and TEMS Workshop 2022

“Any travel-related costs incurred related to the requirement to attend in-person AGENCY NAME meetings or required work at AGENCY NAME office in OFFICE LOCATION shall be the responsibility of the AGENCY NAME OR EMPLOYEE NAME. Prior approval for travel is required.”

Accounting Close/Budget Build Workshop 2022

Travel and Purchase Card (P-Card) Workshop 2021

Purchase Card Contact:

  • Michael Lix - Purchase Card Program Manager - 360-407-8527
  • General Purchase Card (P-Card) email -

Class Participant Evaluation - Your feedback is important to us. Please print, complete, scan, and email to

Contracts and Procurement Workshop 2021

Our apologies. Due to technical difficulties, we did not get a recording of Part 1 of the workshop. Please notice the resources posted below, including the presenters' notes in the Workshop Presentation. Also, feel free to contact any of the presenters with your questions.


Resource Materials:

Small Business Certification Workshop 2020

OneWa and Website Services Workshop

Payroll Workshop 2017

Risk Assessment Workshop

Legislative & BATS Workshop 2016

Statewide Vendor Workshop

Public Disclosure

DES Technology Leasing

Records Management

Agency Policy Workshop

Related Topics

Agency Policies