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Washington State employees are expected to conduct themselves and their work according to their agency’s values and ethical standards, as well as to comply with the Ethics in Public Service Act.
Executive Ethics Board
Among other things, the state’s Executive Ethics Board (EEB) has the authority and responsibility to investigate alleged violation(s) of improper use of state resources. The EEB is also responsible for enforcement of the ethics laws, including issuing reprimands and levying fines. The EEB has a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding ethics issues. If you have a question that is not answered in the FAQ, you can contact the EEB.
Employee Violations
Employees who violate agency policy regarding the personal use of state resources, conflict of interest, or the protection of confidential information are subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including dismissal.
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General Expectations
In addition to the Ethics in Public Service Act, employees should read the RCW 42.52: Ethics in Public Service to become familiar with proper use of state resources, facilities and equipment.
Outside Employment
Outside employment requires prior approval from your agency. Employees may engage in outside employment, provided the activity does not intrude into official duties and does not otherwise present a prohibited conflict of interest. Any employee engaged in outside employment will need to complete a Outside Employment Notification. Once completed, the form should be turned in to your supervisor for approval.
Ethics Complaints
After you’ve reviewed RCW 42.52 and determined that a state employee or officer has violated the Ethics in Public Service Act, you may file a complaint with EEB by visiting the EEB website and completing an Ethics Complaint Form.