Training Development Approval Process

According to Executive Order 24-04, the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) must approve any training content developed by other agencies. Below is the step-by-step process for getting your training content approved by the DES Equity and Employee Development division. The entire process could take approximately 90 working days for the final approval or recommendations. These steps ensure a structured and transparent process for approving training requests within the Washington State enterprise.

Step 1: Submit a Training Request

Step 2: Initial Review

  • The Equity and Employee Development Team reviews the request to ensure it meets the initial criteria and aligns with goals.
  • If necessary, the EED Team may ask for additional information or clarification.

Step 3: Initial Approval

  • Once the initial review is complete, the request is forwarded to the Deputy Assistant Director for approval.
  • The EED Leadership evaluates the training's relevance to the employee's role and potential benefits to the team and organization.

Step 4: Notification

  • Once the initial approval is granted, the EED Team notifies the agency and provides an initial approval summary report and recommendations.
  • The EED Team also updates the training records to reflect the approved training program.

Step 5: Participation and Feedback

  • The agency will send a copy of pilot feedback on the training program to to assess the training's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Step 6: Final Approval / Recommendations

  • The EED Team evaluates the training feedback and may request additional information or clarification if necessary.
  • EED Leadership either grants final approval or provides recommendations; the EED Team notifies the agency and provides a summary report.

Contact us

Joanne Lee

Deputy Assistant Director | Equity and Employee Development Division