

Leading Organizations

Course Code: 2382

The Leading Organization leadership training is on hold until summer 2025 while DES develops a more affordable curriculum that provides equitable access to all state agencies. Updates will be posted here as they become available.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. If you have questions, please contact Patrick Seigler ( 360-338-2187.

Leading Organizations is an exciting learning journey for emerging and established senior leaders in Washington state government. This executive leadership program entails 48 hours of rich content delivered in a live, virtual format, with an emphasis on participant interaction, network building, and individualized coaching. An additional 20 hours of Action Learning provides an opportunity to address a real agency problem by applying the skills developed in the training. The program focuses on developing and cultivating a growth mindset that will help you elevate your leadership skills, foster strategic alignment with other agencies, and bring out the best in your programs and organization. 

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course you should be able to: 

·       Understand how to think, act, and influence strategically in the face of disruption and complexity.

·       Recognize how inclusive leadership produces direction, alignment, and commitment.

·       Explore different types of influence styles.

·       Understand that not everything is a problem to be solved but can be a polarity to be managed.

·       How to create a more effective organizational network.

·       How a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion is a key component of leadership strategy. 

Intended Audience:  Emerging and established senior leaders.