eLearning Classes (online learning)

Required eLearning For All Employees

Sexual Harassment Prevention

We spend a lot of time at work! We all want to work in a positive and respectful work environment. When we apply prevention strategies and strive to create a respectful workplace, sexual harassment is less likely to occur. This course will take a deeper look at prevention strategies and provide information about building a more positive and respectful workplace. This course is intended for all Washington State Government employees.

Link: WA State Sexual Harassment Prevention for All Employees

IT Security Awareness Training: Initial

This is the initial course for all employees. It is an Office of the Chief Information Officer and Consolidated Technology Services approved video designed to inform, change, and secure the behaviors of employees. This video meets the requirement for IT security awareness training.

Link: WA State IT Security Awareness Training

Required eLearning For Supervisors & Managers

Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors

This course contains the same information that is in the Sexual Harassment Prevention eLearning plus information that is specific to supervisors and managers. As a supervisor, you have the opportunity to positively influence, impact, change, and sustain your workplace environment. You have the ability and are obligated to create a safe working environment. This course will discuss your role in taking action and addressing and/or reporting inappropriate behaviors immediately. It also reviews information regarding Quid Pro Quo and Retaliation sexual harassment specific to supervisors and managers.

Link: WA State Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors

Required eLearning For Select Washington State Employees

Contract Management or Procurement Duties

These courses are required for any state employee performing contract management or procurement duties per RCW 39.26.110.

Link: Contracts and Procurement Training

Represented Staff Forming an Employee Business Unit

Employee Business Unit (EBU)

This course provides basic information regarding how to form an employee business unit. It also includes resources and contact information.

OFM Website: EBU PowerPoint Training

Recommended eLearning For All State Employees

Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)

Paid Family and Medical Leave, or PFML, is an essential benefit that offers paid time off to Washingtonians when they need it the most. We know that the most important things in life happen outside the workday. People we care about become ill. Families welcome new members. Big moments that need extra attention come along for all of us. Support in these times means we can be stronger both at home and at work.

Link: DES Wa State Paid Family and Medical Leave

Suicide Awareness

Suicide rates are increasing throughout the US and Washington State. Organizations and coworkers can play an important role in supporting an employee who is struggling. Organizations can help by implementing suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies. Studies show that supportive relationships, such as coworkers and community connectedness, can help protect individuals against suicide. WE ALL PLAY A ROLE!

Link: WA State Suicide Awareness

Defensive Driving

This course provides advanced defensive driving techniques to reduce your chances of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. The content in this course complies with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements – specifying concerns to be addressed before and while driving, using safe driving techniques to avoid collisions, driving safely in various weather conditions, and responding to specific driving situations.

Link: WA State Defensive Driving

Ethics in State Government

This course is intended for all employees. It highlights the Ethics in Public Service Act, RCW 42.52, WAC 292-110-010, and use of resources. Upon completion, you will have a basic understanding of the ethical standards in place for state employees and state officials.

Link: WA State Ethics in State Government

Recommended eLearning For Supervisors & Managers

Pay, Leave & Time for Supervisors

It is important that you know how to process your employees’ leave correctly, ensure they are paid accurately, and determine if your employees are eligible for overtime pay. This course will provide you with the information and tools to help you make these decisions in compliance with federal and state regulations.

Link: WA State Pay, Leave & Time

Performance Plans & Reviews for Supervisors

You are only successful when your employees are successful! You are expected to help your employees achieve results and grow. This course will provide you with pertinent information, resources, and tools that will help you prepare employee expectations, conduct employee evaluations, and provide your employees with ongoing feedback.

Link: WA State Performance Plans & Reviews

Resolving Performance Issues for Supervisors

Effectively addressing performance concerns allows you to help your employees achieve their full potential in meeting organizational and individual targets! This course will help you recognize and manage performance issues.

Link: WA State Resolving Performance Issues

Unlawful Employment Discrimination for Supervisors

It is your responsibility to prevent and address any discrimination within the workplace. This course will provide you with information and tools to help you identify and prevent discrimination in the workplace.

Link: WA State Unlawful Employment Discrimination

WA State Teleworking in a Modern Work Environment

This course will focus primarily on the concepts, guidelines, and best practices surrounding telework and remote work. The application of these concepts and guidelines may vary based on your organization, unit, and supervisor. Upon completion of the course, you should be able to:

  1. Create a dedicated and ergonomically correct workplace.
  2. Manage distractions and establish boundaries within your workspace.
  3. Interpret the new guidelines regarding caring for dependents.
  4. Ensure that you have and know how to use the tools and technology to successfully do your job.
  5. Recognize the importance of communicating and connecting with your co-workers and supervisor.
  6. Connect with the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and access their resources.

Link: WA State Teleworking in a Modern Work Environment

Civil Service Rules & Labor Relations for Supervisors

Within this course, you will learn about Civil Service and Labor Relations rules applicable to your employees. You will be provided with tools to help you follow these rules, and resources to help answer questions.

Link: WA State Civil Service Rules & Labor Relations

Respect in the Workplace- For Supervising Non-Represented Employees

This course is intended for employees, supervisors, and managers in general government agencies. This course will begin by explaining why respect in the workplace matters. Then it will provide you with examples to help you recognize respectful and disrespectful behaviors in the workplace. It will then review your role, and the role of others, in contributing to respectful and appropriate workplace behaviors. Lastly, this course will provide you with options for addressing disrespect and other inappropriate behaviors.

Link: WA State Respect in the Workplace

Workplace Behavior - For Supervising WFSE Represented Employees

Note: Employees represented by the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE), as well as the supervisors and managers of those employees, should take the "Workplace Behavior for WFSE Represented Employees" course in the Learning Center.

This eLearning course is intended for general government agencies with WFSE represented employees. It is also recommended for supervisors and managers who supervise them. This course reviews Collective Bargaining Agreement - Article 47 regarding Workplace Behavior. The training provides examples to help you recognize respectful and disrespectful behaviors in the workplace. This course will also help you understand your role, and the role of others, in contributing to respectful and appropriate workplace behaviors. Then, it will review examples and provide scenarios to help you better recognize the impact inappropriate behavior has on employees and agencies. Lastly, this course will review the complaint and grievance process for disrespectful behaviors that take place in the workplace.

Link: WA State Workplace Behavior for WFSE Represented Employees

Preventing Workplace Violence

As a supervisor, you play an important role in workplace violence prevention whether it is explaining policy, assessing situations, addressing behaviors, or reporting incidents. This course will define workplace violence, provide you with information regarding planning and prevention, identify risk factors and warning signs, and discuss threats and threatening behavior. We will then define domestic violence in the workplace and discuss how to respond.

Link: WA State Preventing Workplace Violence for Supervisors

Reasonable Accommodation

This course provides supervisors with the foundational knowledge to recognize and manage reasonable accommodation requests. It begins by looking at the direct and indirect benefits, for the organization, in providing reasonable accommodations. It defines each reasonable accommodation category and the six basic types of reasonable accommodations. Next, it discusses organization responsibilities as they relate to reasonable accommodations. Lastly, it defines and provides examples of undue hardship. Supervisors will walk away with numerous reasonable accommodation resources.

Link: WA State Reasonable Accommodations for Supervisors

Family Medical Leave Act

FMLA supports a fundamental principle: Workers should not have to choose between the job they need and their own health or the health of family members they love and who need their care. The significance of FMLA is in its recognition that workers are not just contributing to the success of the business, but away from their jobs they are contributing to the health and well-being of their families. This course will provide you with basic information regarding FMLA.

Link: WA State Family Medical Leave Act for Supervisors

Job Specific eLearning

Hiring Managers and HR Staff

Hiring Process

The content for this eLearning course is divided into two modules. It is recommended that you complete both modules in order.

WA State Recognizing & Mitigating Bias in Hiring

This module provides you with the information and tools to develop a hiring process plan, review relevant rules, and complete/update a position description. It explains how to work in partnership with HR to create a recruitment plan and timeline. This module also reviews how to market the position and build your list of candidates. You will be reminded throughout this module to practice confidentiality throughout the recruitment processes. This module will also provide you with resources you can use throughout the module and thereafter.

Link: WA State Recognizing & Mitigating Bias in Hiring

WA State Recruitment and Interviewing Preparation

This module will provide you with information and tools to build interview questions, select panel members, perform interviews, and offer the position to the candidate. It also provides you with information related to on-boarding and retention. You will be reminded throughout this module to always practice confidentiality during the interviewing process. This module will also provide you with resources you can use throughout this module and thereafter.

Link: WA State Recruitment and Interviewing Preparation

Executive Staff and HR Staff

Use of Criminal Records in Hiring

This course is based on the document, Best Practice Standards: The Proper Use of Criminal Records in Hiring. These standards will help you make hiring decisions that will maximize productivity and minimize the risk of liability. This course covers the six steps used to evaluate an applicant with a criminal record.

Link: WA State Use of Criminal Records in Hiring

Interview Skills

Interviewing Skills for Panelists

This course is intended for panel members and leads. This course begins by looking at the basic hiring process. It then describes the roles and responsibilities of both panel leads and panel members. Next, it discusses the importance and legal obligation of keeping candidate and interview information confidential. Then, it reviews questions that should be avoided during interviews that could potentially cause legal issues. Lastly, it provides some interviewing tips allowing you to make better candidate selection decisions. If you are a panel lead, you may also wish to complete the Hiring Process eLearning course found in LMS.

Link: WA State Interview Skills for Panelists

Sponsored by DES Enterprise Technology Solutions Accessibility for Microsoft Office

Create More Accessible Word Documents

This course will provide you with basic information for creating accessible documents in Word. Videos include: creating accessible documents, improving accessibility with alt text, improving header accessibility, creating accessible links, creating accessible tables, and creating accessible file names.

Link: WA State Create More Accessible Word Documents

Create More Accessible PowerPoint Slides

This course will provide you with basic information for creating accessible PowerPoint slides. Videos include: creating accessible slides, improving images accessibility, using accessible colors and styles, designing slides for people with dyslexia, and saving a presentation in an alternate format.

Link: WA State Create More Accessible PowerPoint Slides

Create More Accessible Email Messages in Outlook

This course will provide you with basic information for creating accessible emails in Outlook. Videos include: improving email accessibility, improving images accessibility, and adding accessible emails.

Link: WA State Create More Accessible Email Messages in Outlook

Create More Accessible Excel Workbooks

This course will provide you with basic information for creating accessible Excel workbooks. Videos include: using accessible Excel templates, creating more accessible tables, and creating more accessible charts.

Link: WA State Create More Accessible Excel Workbooks