Strengthening the business of government in Washington State.
Let us help you
Use Statewide Contracts
Buy products and services directly from 1,500 vendors using the state’s collective buying power and save money, reduce risk and streamline purchasing.
Search Bid Opportunities
Businesses can sell their goods and services to government agencies and higher education institutions by registering with the Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS).
How to Work With the State
Register with the state to be considered for bid opportunities, including goods and services, construction and public works, and property leasing.
Find Training
Training for state government employees includes instructor-led classes and on-demand opportunities.
Access EAP Services
State government employees and their family members can turn to the Employee Assistance Program for personal and work-related problems.
Buy Surplus
Recycle, reuse and save money when you purchase items government agencies no longer need.
Success stories

What's new


Legislative Campus Modernization, or LCM, is a multi-year project to address legislative space needs and critical issues with three historical buildings on the Capitol Campus in Olympia.

State agencies are required to take specific steps to ensure they give Washington state small, diverse, and veteran-owned businesses equitable access to goods and services contracts. We're working on improving equity in public spending to create more opportunities for Washington businesses, which strengthens our communities.