A driver plugs in an electric vehicle to a charging station

How DES streamlined, expanded charging options for state agency electric vehicle drivers

Learn how DES made charging state electric fleet vehicles more efficient for drivers and their accounting departments.


Washington state prides itself on scenic coastal shores, green forests, majestic mountains, the rolling hills of the Palouse and much more. So it's only natural that state government sets ambitious goals to reduce its carbon footprint, in part by aiming to completely electrify its state executive and small-cabinet light duty passenger fleet by 2035 while expanding electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across the state.

As DES adds EVs to its fleet, some state employee drivers have expressed concerns about mileage range limitations and getting stranded during a trip. However, as EV technology advances, range is increasing and the number of EV models is growing, giving state employees more zero-carbon options when they travel for official state business.

Until recently, some inconveniences remained. State Fleet EV drivers still needed to carry multiple EV charging network payment cards (4-5 cards) for each EV. This was burdensome for drivers and meant that one vehicle could have up to five monthly fuel bills to process and pay.


In 2020, through a competitive solicitation, DES contracted WEX to help simplify the experience of state fleet users.

DES collaborated with the vendor to identify the challenges with EV fuel cards and work toward a solution. In September 2024, DES and WEX launched a pilot program – the first of its kind in the country – to replace the four-to-five EV fuel cards per vehicle with one RFID card and one chip-enabled card that can be used at more charging networks than what had been available to drivers.


A WEX card taps it to the screen to pay for their EV charging bill.

"The new WEX payment cards have streamlined the process of charging electric vehicles by reducing payment platforms and increasing EV charging and fueling options for state drivers," says Courtney Speer, DES' deputy assistant director for the Business Resources Division. "It makes it easier for us to work toward fleet electrification."

Sustainability Coordinator Addie Bash at the Department of Fish and Wildlife says one of the biggest concerns employees who drive long distances have about transitioning to EVs is finding public chargers en route.

"The new WEX card from DES has substantially opened up the network of chargers available to our employees and simplified the process for paying for charging on the road," she says. "Many of our employees are eager to transition away from fossil fuel vehicles and just need resources like the WEX card to be able to do so."

Another efficiency boost, Speer says, is that the WEX chip-enabled cards allows some agencies to buy gas and diesel fuel more easily. For example, agencies that operate marine vessels can use the new WEX chip-enabled cards to buy fuel near ports.

"This new fuel card has provided the state with a more efficient solution to manage all our fueling needs," said Speer.

Learn more about the state's vehicle fleet.

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