IT Professional Structure

The IT Professional Structure is the general civil service classification and compensation structure specific to the states information technology workforce.


This structure was developed to:

  • Ensure enterprise and organizational alignment and equity
  • Improve opportunities for career growth
  • Keep pace with the rate of information technology industry change
  • Improve the state's ability to benchmark work internally and externally

Allocation decisions are made by DES ITPS evaluation committee. The ITPS evaluation committee determines whether the positions requires professional level IT work. The committee requirements are established in rule and committees must include IT and HR professionals. The ITPS evaluation committee is trained to apply clearly defined criteria used to evaluate the work of a position captured in the IT position description. Evaluation results are input in the enterprise IT Position Evaluation Tool for position history and reporting purposes.

Establishment and Reallocations

To establish or reallocate a ITPS position, begin the process by working with your assigned HR Business Partner (HR BP) and by writing the position description on the ITPS PD. Your HR BP will assist you in identifying the necessary forms to complete and submit to the ITPS committee. Once the forms have been submitted to the ITPS committee, your assigned HR BP will help serve as a guide through the ITPS position process.

PD Updates

To ensure consistent and accurate process of ITPS PD updates, please refer to the ITPS position process. Please also refer to your agency policy, and if applicable CBA, to ensure updates are occurring in the correct time frame.

If you have any questions, please contact your HR Business Partner.