Legislative Modular Building
The Irving R. Newhouse Building will be replaced as part of Legislative Campus Modernization. A modular building has been placed in the southeast corner of the Mansion Parking Lot to house Senators and Senate staff during construction of the replacement Newhouse Building. This is an important first step of the Legislative Campus Modernization (LCM) Project and is expected to remain on the Capitol Campus for 6-8 years.
Site preparation work on the Legislative Modular Building began in May 2022 and the building was completed in Jan. 2023.
Legislative Modular Building Updates
- The sixteen modulars that make up the Legislative Modular Building were delivered in Nov. 2022.
- Modulars were stacked and stitched together in Nov./Dec. 2022.
- Elevator installation was completed in Jan. 2023.
- Certificate of Occupancy was granted by the City of Olympia on Jan. 18, 2023.
- See time lapse video of delivery and 'stacking' of Legislative Modular Building.
- See construction photos of Legislative Modular Building.
- The southeast corner of the Mansion Parking lot will remain unavailable through the lifespan of the Legislative Modular Building.
- The DES Parking Office is working with agencies to mitigate parking impacts for the 2023 Legislative Session.

More information
Demolition of the current Newhouse building is expected to occur in early 2023 with construction expected to begin in the late spring/early summer of 2023. Once Newhouse is complete, the modular building will house occupants of the Joel Pritchard State Library and John L. O’Brien buildings during the renovation of those structures. The modular building is expected to remain on the Capitol Campus for six to eight years. When the Modular building has fulfilled its function as a temporary office building, it will be disassembled, and the parking lot will be restored.
Email the LCM project team at DESLCM@des.wa.gov