Our PIE Program helps small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses sell goods and services to Washington state governments. We are also working on changing procurement culture in government purchasing and building pipeline of small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses on statewide goods and services contracts.
To do that, we:
- Provide training, networking and information about bid opportunities to small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses in Washington.
- Work with government purchasers to increase their spending with small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses in Washington.
- Partner with small business assistance organizations that help small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses find and bid on state contracts.
Resources for small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses
- Sign up for email updates about free trainings, upcoming solicitations, and insights to help you do business with the state
- Tips for Small, Diverse and Veteran-Owned Businesses
- State Contracts Assistance Network
Resources for government purchasers
- Information about the enterprise supplier diversity policy
- Supplier Diversity Community of Practice
- Find small, diverse and veteran-owned vendors on statewide contracts
- Tools for Equity in Public Spending workshops
Resources for policymakers and stakeholders
More information
Related policies
Past meetings
Kennewick, WA - Learn how to participate in state contracting and be better prepared to take part in this government marketplace.