Supplier Diversity
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all procurement professionals and those with acquisition responsibilities use approved, legally compliant strategies that encourage and facilitate the purchase of goods and services from small, diverse, and veteran-owned businesses to the maximum extent possible. Agencies must take action to remove barriers that prevent small, diverse, and veteran-owned businesses from receiving equitable access to state goods and services procurements.
Effective Date:
Current documents
Additional information
About the policy:
- Its purpose is to increase purchases of goods and services from Washington small, diverse and veteran-owned businesses.
- It includes accountability measures for agency leadership.
- DES will consider agencies’ compliance with the policy as part of the risk assessment that determines agencies’ delegated procurement authority.
- The policy and handbook were revised in June of 2024. A follow-up meeting to address new questions was held in July 2024.
Related tools
- Interactive supplier diversity handbook
- Find small, diverse, or veteran-owned businesses on statewide contracts
- Forecasting reports template
Available in Washington State Learning Center
Required training: Available in Washington State Learning Center
Training must be complete by April 1, 2023
- Procurement professionals and contract managers course name: WA State Supplier Diversity Training
- Agency leaders course name: WA State Contracts and Procurement for Executives Training