Reporting IT Contracts
Reporting IT contracts overview session
- Watch an overview session on how to report IT contracts
- Watch a recorded Q & A session on reporting IT contracts
Reporting process
- Use the vendor reported sales for statewide contracts to assist in completing the IT contracts report.
- Your agency will confirm the towers and amounts are correct.
- Submit the IT statewide contract sales with the remainder of your IT Contracts Report.
- Use the IT contracts reporting template to fill in the required fields. Reports with any blank fields will not be accepted. Check the IT contracts reporting guide for more detailed instructions.
- If you use the Enterprise Contract Management System (ECMS) to track contracts, please follow our IT web intelligence extraction instructions to download that information for your report.
- Submit your completed report by uploading the report file.
What to report
Date range
The reporting period must include all IT contracts active from the previous fiscal year, which is July 1 to June 30.
Information to include
The report needs to include agency name, contract number, vendor name, contract term start and end dates, total contract dollar amount, contract dollar amount by state fiscal year, and type of service delivered. There should be one row per contract. Amendment changes should be consolidated into one row on the template.
- Direct buys (if they include a statement of work).
- IT purchases made through master contracts.
- Leases and purchases DES made on your behalf.
- All license and software subscriptions purchased through a contract.
- Agreements with local governments that share the service cost.
- Report revenue contracts as negative figures. All other contracts should be reported as positive figures.
- IT Contracts that are interagency agreements. The agency receiving the IT good or service should report the contract. Only report the interagency agreement with the entity you have the agreement with and do not include subcontractors.
- If you do not know a contract date or the contract does not have an end date, enter 99/99/9999 into the date field and leave a note in the “contract date explanation” column.
- Please report the amounts your agency actually spent on the contract. Make estimated budget projections to the best of your ability for active future fiscal years. Provide an explanation in the Explanation of Contract Amount column for any active fiscal years that have a zero for the contract amount.
- If your contract starts or ends outside of the fiscal years provided on the template, add more columns to include all fiscal years the contract was active.
- The total column should be the sum of all the fiscal year amount columns.
A contract is an IT contract if it is for a good and/or service that falls under one of the IT Towers or meets the definition of IT under RCW 43.105.020 sections 6 through 9. If a contract has an IT component but it is not a majority of the work, report the percentage of each IT tower and report the percentage of non-IT work under the non-IT column.
What not to report
- Do not submit any payments made to OFM, DES, and CTS as part of the central service model or to CTS Fee for Service purchases.
- Do not report amendments as a separate contract, they should instead be on the same row as the original contract.
- Exclude tax from the contract cost. If your system is unable to separate tax, report the contract maximum/contract value.
- Purchase orders that do not have a statement of work and are not related to a contract.
About IT contracts reporting
After contracts are reported, we will submit the report to the legislative fiscal committees as well as populate and maintain a publicly available list of these items on The full report helps the state identify and track trends on IT spending, terms of contracts, names of vendors, and types of services delivered.
We must gather and analyze all of the IT contracts data to send a yearly report to the legislative fiscal committees by Oct. 31. The IT Contracts Report does not substitute for or replace the Contract Transparency Report.
Contact us
Contracts & procurement business operations team
Phone 360-407-2214