Agency Transportation Officers

​The Agency Transportation Officer (ATO) oversees and assists with transportation issues for their respective agency personnel.

An ATO may be dedicated full time to these duties, or part time, depending on the size of the agency or organization. The ATO:

  • Oversees agency travel and compliance
  • Serves as the liaison between the agency and DES Fleet Operations
  • Ensures their agency receives vital information in a timely manner
  • Attend Fleet trainings and meetings on a periodic basis

For additional information and vehicle packet materials, visit our drivers of state vehicles webpage.

How to:

Tools & Resources

ATO quarterly meetings

The quarterly ATO meetings (QATOMs) are for DES Fleet Operations to meet all ATOs, coordinators, and personnel involved in management of your agency’s fleet. They are scheduled quarterly and fall on a Thursday within the first two weeks of the month. QATOMs cover many topics, tips and reminders of importance for ATOs. These meetings are to encourage discussions between ATOs and DES Fleet Operations. The presentations and meeting highlights for the last four meetings can be found below. For questions about past meetings or to suggest a topic for future QATOM, email us at

  • Fall 2024 - Personnel updates, INVERS replacement update, weekend rentals, Fones Road construction, ATO dashboard, undercover plates, chargebacks, DC fast charger, towing to Fones Road, winter driving, towing to a dealership, vehicle replacements, new EV WEX cards
  • Summer 2024 - Meeting highlights: Automated keys system vendor change, managing Good to Go accounts, using and charging EVs, changes coming for EV charging, reimbursements, turn in prep for vehicles
  • Spring 2024 - Meeting highlights: Larger vehicles available for daily rental, state adding more traffic cameras to road work sites, Fones Road shop appointments, ATO reports, loaners vs temp perms
  • Winter 2025 - Meeting highlights: Automated key box reservation system update, ATO dashboard, purchasing freeze, utilization, recall process, new CARS contract, EV charging resources, tire chain options

Other resources



Fleet Locations

(For directions to, detailed location information, reserve vehicles or navigate to a location use the map sidebar or select any map marker in the DES Fleet Locations map.)