Gun rights rally may draw 2,500 to capitol grounds on March 9
OLYMPIA – A "Firearm Freedom Rally" scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon on March 9 near Tivoli Fountain on the state capitol grounds may draw up to 2,500 participants.
As part of the rally, some attendees will be carrying firearms in accordance with Washington’s “Open Carry” law. There is no prohibition against carrying weapons on the capitol grounds.
Enterprise Services issued a permit to "2nd Enforcers" for the rally on the west Capitol Campus.
Rally organizers have worked with the Department of Enterprise Services and State Patrol to ensure that their rally is not perceived as threatening.
Anyone who sees behavior that causes concern is advised to call 9-1-1 and the State Patrol will respond. The size of the rally may temporarily affect parking on the west campus that day.
Enterprise Services manages public events and activities at the capitol grounds.
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