Capitol Way traffic light to be out on Sept. 3 due to demolition work
There will be a localized electrical outage on Thursday, Sept. 3 affecting the traffic light at Capitol Way and Union Avenue in Olympia.
Puget Sound Energy (PSE) will shut off electricity to the power pole near the intersection of Columbia Street and Union Avenue, which will cause the traffic light at Capitol Way and Union Avenue to be down from about 12:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. that day.
A traffic control officer will manage traffic at the intersection while the light is down. Warning signs about the traffic light outage will be placed at all four approaches to the intersection.
The outage is needed for the 1063 Block Replacement Project – so workers can safely complete the demolition of the northwest corner of the old GA parking garage, at 124 Union Ave SW. The power pole and electrical lines are near the corner of the garage.
PSE says the outage should not affect nearby properties or businesses.
There will be another electrical outage when the power pole is relocated. That outage has not been scheduled yet.
Demolition of the 1063 building is now underway.
Sellen Construction, the general contractor on the project, has mounted a camera on the roof of the General Administration Building pointed at the construction work site across the street. The camera images, which are refreshed every 15 minutes, are displayed on the 1063 project website.
The 1063 Block Replacement Project entails the demolition of the two state-owned structures on the block bordered by Capitol Way, 11th Avenue, Union Avenue and Columbia Street, followed by the construction of a five-story, 215,000 square-foot office building.
The new building is scheduled to be completed by fall 2017.
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