Enterprise Services to improve turfgrass on West Campus great lawn in October
People are being asked to stay off the grass in the great lawn on West Campus in October while work to renovate the turfgrass is done.
Work will include aerating and seeding the grass as well as "topdressing" with compost to improve the soil the grass grows in.
Work will be done in three phases:
- Work on the turf north of the north diagonal will begin October 3.
- Work on the turf south of the south diagonal will begin October 4.
- Work on the turf between the two diagonals will begin October 10.
Project impacts
There will be noise and odor impacts associated with the project.
People will be able to smell compost for one to two days after application. In addition, compost delivery trucks and large equipment will be on site, and irrigation systems will operate during the day to keep the new seeds moist for germination.
Please stay off the grass
People are asked to stay off the grass for two weeks following each phase of work to help ensure that the grass seed germinates properly. The project is designed to help ensure an attractive and healthy lawn will be in place for everyone to enjoy.
Signs will be in place to remind people to stay off the lawn.
The work has been scheduled to occur following the summer season, which is the busiest time for Capitol Campus events.
West Campus Grounds Management Plan
The turfgass improvements are part of the West Campus Grounds Management Plan that details strategies Enterprise Services began implementing in the Fall of 2016.
Enterprise Services adopted its approach for 2017 based on:
- What the agency learned from a 2016 Ecolawn pilot project
- Feedback that Enterprise Services actively sought from the public