New Korean fir to receive first holiday decorations at Sylvester Park this month
The Korean fir tree planted in Sylvester Park last April by the Department of Enterprise Services will be decorated for the first time later this month, with a tree lighting ceremony taking place on Sunday, Nov. 26 at 4 p.m.
Enterprise Services will adorn the holiday tree with decorations provided by the Olympia Downtown Association in 2016, and the association will hold the lighting ceremony.
The new fir was planted to serve as a permanent and sustainable holiday tree for the enjoyment of the community for many years to come. It also eliminates the need for resources and funding necessary to source, transport and install a cut tree each year.
A Korean fir was selected because of its relatively small size when it reaches maturity. Unlike many other evergreen trees, Korean fir will not grow taller than 25 to 35 feet at maturity.
Not only will this tree help brighten Sylvester Park during the holidays, it provides visual interest, oxygen and wildlife habitat throughout the year. Along with its beautiful green color and fine texture, this species is tolerant to the many environmental challenges present in a typical urban environment.
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