Helpful fall season safety reminders
As we enter the fall season and see less and less daylight, Capitol Security and Visitor Services (CSVS) and the Washington State Patrol (WSP) would like to share a few safety tips for people out walking or jogging on the Capitol Campus, especially in the parks or isolated locations:
- Always be aware of your surroundings
- If you’re wearing headphones, try to just have one earbud in
- Try to avoid secluded areas
- Use the buddy system – there is safety in numbers
- Let someone know where you will be
- Wear bright colored clothing to increase visibility
As always, if you see something, say something:
- Emergencies: If you experience or observe a life/safety emergency call 911 Immediately.
- Non-emergencies requiring law enforcement response: Please call the WSP non-emergency phone number 360-596-4555.
- Non-emergencies not requiring law enforcement or immediate security response on the Capitol Campus: Please call Capitol Security & Visitor Services (CSVS) at 360-407-9111.