Jan. 23 event to impact parking on west Capitol Campus
The Department of Enterprise Services has issued a permit for Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Day for Wednesday, Jan. 23 – an event organizers say could draw up to 2,500 people to the Capitol Campus.
Before and during the event there will be no visitor parking along the north and south diagonals, the one-way drives linking Capitol Way and the west Capitol Campus. The diagonals, which have a combined 100 visitor parking stalls, will be reserved for buses dropping off and picking up event attendees.
The event is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m., with set-up starting at around 8 a.m. Activities are slated to end at about 4 p.m. Buses leaving the campus could cause some local traffic congestion.
More details about this event and others can be found on the department’s website.
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