DES receives national recognition for Capitol Campus landscape

The agency’s Buildings and Grounds (B&G) Division received the Olmsted Honor Award from the Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) at its annual conference held last week in Louisville, Ky.
According to PGMS scoring comments: "Authenticity to the original design intent is evident and integrated into current management practices."
The landscaping plan for West Capitol Campus features informal planting arrangements on the edge of campus that become formal in the center of the historic district, as called for in the Olmsted Plan.
PGMS also noted: "The site is extremely well maintained; meeting or exceeding PGMS Landscape Maintenance Guidelines and appears to be consistent with Olmsted design and management principles. Plant selection is diverse and appealing."
DES Grounds Operations Specialist Dan Kirschner accepted the Olmsted Honor Award during the PGMS Green Star Award Ceremony on behalf of his team. The other members of the B&G Grounds Team are Kevin Battin, Nathan Bren, Chris Brownell, Mary Harrison, Tim Hildebrand, Jeff Hogan, Eric Leippe, Kailee Moulton, Matt Pecolatto, James Skinner, Sterling Trevena-Garon, and Ash Venable.