Say hello to the new DES logo

Our new logo features a bold yet simple mark with the agency name. The mark is a rectangle with a blue gradient to represent the agency's tagline, Strengthening the business of government. "DES," as we are widely known, is displayed in the rectangle, and is composed of five pieces -- a tribute to the original five organizations that came together to form DES in 2011. The wordmark emphasizes "Department of Enterprise Services" in capital letters.

A fresh color palette, optimized for both digital accessibility and print use, accompanies the logo. The "logo blue" is the primary color to drive consistency across all properties. Secondary and accent colors add vibrancy and warmth. These colors debuted last year with the launch of the redesigned website.
DES maintains countless web applications, forms and other files that contain the DES logo. The old logo and colors may still appear on these items over the next several months as the brand is switched over.
For inquiries about the brand identity, email