Book a tour at the Governor's Mansion before its summer hiatus

OLYMPIA — June is the last month to tour the Governor's Mansion until October. The mansion will be closed for tours from July to September for annual maintenance. This Georgian-style mansion is located on a bluff overlooking Capitol Lake, Puget Sound, and the Olympic Mountains. It is the oldest building on the Capitol Campus.
During the tour, guests visit the public first-floor rooms, including the great hall, drawing room, library, family room gallery, west and east corridors, state dining room, and ballroom. They also hear about the historical and cultural significance of the mansion’s furnishings, art, and library collections. Additionally, the tour includes a family photo display of the six Washington governors who served before the mansion’s completion and the 16 families who have lived there since its construction in 1909.
The half-hour tours are free and open to the public. Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Each tour is open to 30 guests. Request a mansion tour through our online form.
Tour details
Adult tour guests must present photo identification and all visitors under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Masks are not required. No umbrellas, strollers or food/drink are allowed on the tour. The mansion is accessible to visitors who use a wheelchair or walker. Visitors must walk a 200-yard incline to the entrance.
Campus parking near the Governor’s Mansion is limited. Find visitor parking using the Capitol Campus Interactive Map.
Tour times
June 5 and June 12
- 10:30 a.m.
- 11 a.m.
- 11:30 a.m.
For questions or additional information, call 360-902-8880 or email and include "Gov. Mansion Tours" in the subject line.
The Governor’s Mansion Foundation, independent of the Governor’s office and Governor, is an all-volunteer, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization responsible for maintaining and enhancing furnishings and art for the public rooms of the mansion.