DES Learning Delivery Program unites state's training registration in a single system
On March 26, 2012, state agencies began using the Learning Management System (LMS) to register employees for instructor-led training courses provided by DES. LMS is a vendor-maintained application that has been customized to meet the state's needs. It was already used to register employees for DES eLearning courses, and the Office of Financial Management's training courses.
This move lays the groundwork for retirement of the aging Human Resource Development Information System (HRDIS), the state's training records repository. LMS will also provide an opportunity for some agencies to retire expensive (and often aging) systems; and convert to the state's enterprise platform to store and maintain employee training data.
In these early stages of the migration, employees will not see any change in the way they register for training. They will continue to apply for training through their agency training registrars. The registrars will facilitate agency approval and register employees in LMS. Jason Platter, DES Learning Technologies Architect, and his team have already trained 49 agency training registrars to use LMS.
In time, DES plans to provide agencies the option to move training registration to an online employee self service process. When this occurs, registration and approval of employee training will be completely automated. Employees will access LMS to select and register for training and the system will automatically notify supervisors or other designated approvers in the organization. The designated approver will complete the transaction and LMS will place the employee on the class roster. In addition, agencies will be able to access LMS to view a variety of standard and custom training reports.
- Get information about accessing LMS, or training to use LMS:
- For a listing of courses available through the DES Learning Delivery Program visit the State HR website: