Electrical repairs, leaks force early shut down of Tivoli Fountain
September 24, 2012
Capitol Campus Update
OLYMPIA – Unplanned repairs have forced Enterprise Services to shut off the Tivoli Fountain two weeks earlier than originally scheduled.
A pipe burst in the pump room on Sept. 17 spraying water on electrical equipment, causing two out of three fuses to short out. The fuses are on special order.
Also, the fountain is leaking about 1,600 gallons per day. Some of the water loss is due to evaporation but most is caused by leaks. Enterprise Services emptied the fountain last week and then slowly refilled it to identifying the source of the leaks.
The department will re-grout and reseal the fountain and install the new pump room fuses in the next couple of weeks. The fountain was scheduled to be turned off for the winter season on Oct. 1.