Repairs require power outage for some campus buildings Oct. 6
October 2, 2012
Capitol Campus Update
OLYMPIA – Replacement of damaged electrical equipment will require shutting off power all day on Oct. 6 at the Temple of Justice, Powerhouse, Conservatory and Law Enforcement Memorial while crews install high-voltage switches in a new vault under the sidewalk at the northwest corner of the Temple of Justice.
All computers, copiers, refrigerators and other appliances will be without power during the outage. Generators will supply power to fire alarms and other critical building systems during the day.
An additional outage affecting the same buildings are scheduled for the following weekend. A third power outage, affecting only the General Administration Building, is scheduled for Oct. 20 to complete the repairs.
The Capitol Campus lost electrical power on Aug. 21, 2011 when two ground faults occurred during work to install a new back-up, high-voltage power line. The incident damaged electrical equipment and disrupted operations of state computer databases and networks.
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