Thousands set to rally at Capitol on Nov. 28
OLYMPIA– More than 3,000 people from various organizations are expected to gather Nov. 28 on the grounds of the Capitol Campus during the opening of the special legislative session.
The Department of Enterprise Services, which maintains the Capitol Campus, has issued permits for five rallies for Nov. 28. They include:
- Jobs Not Cuts Rally by the Service Employees International Union 775 Northwest.
- Don’t Cut Our Lifelines by the Arc of Washington State.
- People’s Special Session by the Olympia Coalition for a Fair Budget.
- Rally For Public School Funding by the Washington Education Association.
- Student Rally by the Shoreline Community College Student Leadership Center.
The rallies are scheduled at various times throughout the day. All will begin on the campus except for The People’s Special Session, which will convene at 8 a.m. at Sylvester Park in downtown Olympia and includes a march to the Capitol Campus.
Enterprise Services will allow permitted protective tents and canopies associated with the rallies. The department will not permit overnight stays inside any campus building.
Enterprise Services maintains the grounds and buildings on the Capitol Campus. This includes Capitol Lake and Sylvester, Marathon, Centennial and Heritage parks. The department also manages events, displays and public tours on the campus.
All scheduled upcoming events can be found on the department’s online listing.
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Steve Valandra, Communications Director
Enterprise Services