Wintery forecast prompts prep work on campus
December 17, 2012
Capitol Campus Update
OLYMPIA – It could be nothing more than a few wet flakes, but Enterprise Services is taking no chances as its grounds crew gears up for snow and ice removal on the Capitol Campus.
The National Weather Service says there is a 50 percent chance of snow showers tonight and tomorrow morning in western Washington, with less than a half-inch of snow accumulation possible.
The forecast has prompted Enterprise Services to execute its snow-removal plan to prepare for keeping campus roads, sidewalks, steps and parking lots clear and safe to use.
Grounds and custodial crews have snow plows and spreaders attached to trucks and lawn tractors, and buckets of sand and chemical de-icers are in place near campus building entrances.
In addition to plowing, shoveling and sanding, crews are responsible for cleaning up melted snow and ice inside building entrances to prevent slips and falls.
Crews will be on standby the next few days prepared to report to work earlier than usual to keep the campus open for business.
The campus powerhouse next to Capitol Lake is staffed 24 hours per day. Powerhouse staff has the authority to call in snow-removal resources based on the severity of the event.
Enterprise Services, which maintains the capitol grounds and buildings, coordinates snow removal efforts with the cities of Olympia and Tumwater.