Air Dusters

Green purchasing guidance for air dusters, including:
  • Keyboard cleaners
  • Can of compressed air
  • Can-less air pump

Required specifications

Purchasers must include these specifications, unless not possible: 

  • Keyboard cleaners must be EITHER mechanical or a chemical formulation that is free of chlorinated compounds and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
  • This is consistent with RCW 70A.60: Hydrofluorocarbons — Emissions Reduction, which restricts the sale of certain products containing HFCs, including aerosol propellants, due to their high global warming potential.
    • Section 1 of this law states, “(1) The legislature finds that hydrofluorocarbons are air pollutants that pose significant threats to our environment and that safer alternatives for the most damaging hydrofluorocarbons are readily available and cost-effective.”
  • Air dusters containing HFC-152a (1,1,1,2-Tetrafloruoroethane) are also prohibited because they are considered PFAS.

Preferred specifications

Purchasers should include these specifications, unless not possible: 

  • Electrical and mechanical alternatives
  • Can-less air pump
  • Phenol-free cleaning wipes
  • Microfiber cleaning cloths
  • Duster
  • Antistatic brush
  • Rubber bulb air pump
  • Keyboard cleaning brush
  • Consider buying a keyboard that comes with a washable cover, which can reduce the use of “air dusters” and other chemical keyboard cleaners and lower maintenance costs.
  • Look for products with a label indicating they comply with the European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which means it is free of lead solder and several other chemicals of high concern.

Things to avoid

Purchasers should avoid these specifications whenever possible: 

  • Air dusters containing HFC-134a: 1,1,1,2-Tetrafloruoroethane or HFC-152a: 1,1-Difluoroethane are prohibited.
  • Avoid products containing vinyl (PVC) or stain-resistant fabric, which is likely to be treated with PFAS non-stick “Forever Chemicals”.
  • Avoid products that have been treated with antimicrobials such as Microban.

Laws, rules, and executive orders

These laws, rules, and executive orders must be included in the contract language:

Find these products on statewide contracts

Find products that meet Washington’s green purchasing specifications:

End of life

Surplus goods that still can be used

  • Use surplus disposal to get rid of items you no longer need. Keep materials out of landfills and make funds for your agency.

Recycling and disposal

Hazardous waste disposal guidelines and options: