Asphalt Sealants
Green purchasing guidance for asphalt sealants, including:
- Hardscapes
- Sidewalks
- Roads
Required specifications
Purchasers must include these specifications, unless not possible:
- RCW 70.295: Stormwater Pollution--Coal Tar prohibits the sale of coal tar sealant products in WA.
- EO 20-01: State Efficiency and Environmental Performance (SEEP) states:
“When making purchasing, construction, leasing, and other decisions that affect state government’s emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) or other toxic substances, agencies shall explicitly consider the benefits and costs (including the social costs of carbon) of available options to avoid those emissions. Where cost-effective and workable solutions are available that will reduce or eliminate emissions, decision makers shall select the lower-emissions options.”
It further states that “reducing…the use of dangerous toxics in the products state agencies purchase will all have a direct positive effect on human health, particularly for vulnerable children.” - No asphalt sealant products may contain coal tar.
Preferred specifications
Purchasers should include these specifications, unless not possible:
- Vendors are strongly encouraged to offer products that have a third-party verified environmental product declaration (EPD) or health product declaration (HPD).
Things to avoid
Purchasers should avoid these specifications whenever possible:
- No asphalt sealant products may contain coal tar.
Laws, rules, and executive orders
These laws, rules, and executive orders must be included in the contract language:
- EO 20-01: State Efficiency and Environmental Performance (SEEP)
- RCW 70.295: Stormwater Pollution--Coal Tar
Find these products on statewide contracts
Find products that meet Washington’s green purchasing specifications:
- Contract 07121: Roadway Maintenance Products
End of life
Surplus goods that still can be used
- Use surplus disposal to get rid of items you no longer need. Keep materials out of landfills and make funds for your agency.
Recycling and disposal
Hazardous waste disposal guidelines and options:
- Department of Ecology: Dispose, recycle, or treat dangerous waste
- Washington Recycles