Green purchasing guidance for fuel, including:
- Biodiesel
- Bio-gasoline
Required specifications
Purchasers must include these specifications, unless not possible:
- RCW 43.19.642: Biodiesel Fuel Blends-Use by Agencies states that at least 20% of all diesel use by state agencies (except for state ferries) must be biodiesel. Accordingly, for each petroleum-based fuel products on state contracts, such as gasoline, bidders should offer equivalent biobased alternatives. For example, diesel fuel contracts should also offer biodiesel blends as well as "renewable diesel," which is made of nonpetroleum renewable resources such as natural fats, vegetable oils, and greases.
- Biodiesel products must meet ASTM D975: Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel.
- Bio-gasoline products must meet ASTM D4814: Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel.
The U.S. Department of Energy has more information about renewable hydrocarbon biofuels.
Laws, rules, and executive orders
These laws, rules, and executive orders must be included in the contract language:
- RCW 43.19.642: Biodiesel Fuel Blends-Use by Agencies
- ASTM D975: Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel
- ASTM D4814: Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
Find these products on statewide contracts
Find products that meet Washington’s green purchasing specifications:
- Contract 03318: Aviation fuel
- Contract 01917: Fuel station inspection services
- Contract 08721: Fuels: gasoline, diesel, and renewables
- Contract 02318: Propane, autogas (LPG), parts and service
- Contract 05718: Marine refueling services and fuels
End of life
Surplus goods that still can be used
- Use surplus disposal to get rid of items you no longer need. Keep materials out of landfills and make funds for your agency.
Recycling and disposal
Hazardous waste disposal guidelines and options:
- Department of Ecology: Dispose, recycle, or treat dangerous waste
- Washington Recycles