Green purchasing guidance for insulation, including:
- Batt
- Board
- Blow-in products
Required specifications
Purchasers must include these specifications, unless not possible:
- Cradle to Cradle Product Certificate or Material Health Certificate: v3.1 at the Gold level or higher OR v4.0 at the Silver level or higher
- Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) Indoor Advantage Gold
- Cellulose insulation must have at least 75% post-consumer recycled content, which meets U.S. EPA’s CPG for Cellulose Insulation. Fiberglass insulation must have at least 20% total recovered material, which meets U.S. EPA’s CPG for Fiberglass Insulation.
Preferred specifications
Purchasers should include these specifications, unless not possible:
- ENERGY STAR certification
- Compliance with CA Title 24 Energy Efficiency Requirements
- Formaldehyde-Free verified by SCS, UL or another third-party certifier
- USDA Certified Biobased products by the USDA’s Bio-Preferred Program
- Have a third-party transparency label disclosing ingredients such as a Health Product Declaration (HPD) or Declare Label
- Cradle to Cradle Product Certificate or Material Health Certificate: v3.1 or 4.0 Silver or higher
- RCW 39.26.310 and DES’ Purchasing Preference for Products that Do Not Contain Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) (DES- 310-00) direct state agencies to offer a preference of at least 5% to vendors that bid products that contain either (1) no HFCs or (2) HFCs with a relatively low global warming potential (GWP) if HFC-free products are unavailable. It also directs state agencies to purchase products that have been awarded a preference under this law.
- Products with a higher percentage of recycled content than the applicable U.S. EPA CPG for this category are eligible for a price preference of at least 10%.
Things to avoid
Purchasers should avoid these specifications whenever possible:
- Loose-fill fiberglass insulation may not be offered due to serious respiratory health risks.
Laws, rules, and executive orders
These laws, rules, and executive orders must be included in the contract language:
- EO 20-01: State Efficiency and Environmental Performance (SEEP)
- RCW 39.26.310
- RCW 43.19A: Recycled Product Procurement
- DES’ Purchasing Preference for Products that Do Not Contain Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) (DES- 310-00)
- DES’ Recycled Content Purchasing Preference Policy (POL-DES-255-00)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (EPA CPGs)
- EPA's CPG for Fiberglass Insulation
- CPG for Cellulose Insulation
End of life
Surplus goods that still can be used
- Use surplus disposal to get rid of items you no longer need. Keep materials out of landfills and make funds for your agency.
Recycling and disposal
Hazardous waste disposal guidelines and options:
- Department of Ecology: Dispose, recycle, or treat dangerous waste
- Washington Recycles