Landscaping Timbers and Posts

Green purchasing guidance for landscaping timbers and posts, including:
  • Fences
  • Lawn and garden edging
  • Lumber
  • Picnic tables
  • Playground equipment

Required specifications

Purchasers must include these specifications, unless not possible:

Preferred specifications

Purchasers should include these specifications, unless not possible:

Things to avoid

Purchasers should avoid these specifications whenever possible:

  • EO 20-01: State Efficiency and Environmental Performance (SEEP) states that “reducing…the use of dangerous toxics in the products state agencies purchase will all have a direct positive effect on human health, particularly for vulnerable children.”
  • EO 04-01: Persistent Toxic Chemicals limits state purchasing of products that contain persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals.
  • Therefore, state agencies should avoid specifying and purchasing products made of PVC (vinyl) as well as timbers that contain arsenic, pentachlorophenol or creosote wood preservatives, which are highly persistent and toxic chemicals.

Laws, rules, and executive orders

These laws, rules, and executive orders must be included in the contract language:

Find these products on statewide contracts

Find products that meet Washington’s green purchasing specifications:

End of life

Surplus goods that still can be used

  • Use surplus disposal to get rid of items you no longer need. Keep materials out of landfills and make funds for your agency.

Recycling and disposal

Hazardous waste disposal guidelines and options:

Contact us

Leatta Dahlhoff

Environmental Technical Analyst