Lighting Equipment

Green purchasing guidance for lighting equipment, including:
  • Lamps
  • Ballasts
  • Luminaries
  • Retrofit kits

Required specifications

Purchasers must include these specifications, unless not possible:

  • EO 04-01: Persistent Toxic Chemicals directs the state to make available for purchase and use equipment, supplies, and other products that do not contain persistent and bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals, unless there is no feasible alternative.
    Accordingly, bidders should offer LED lamps, retrofit kits, and luminaires as replacements for incandescent, halogen, fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lighting equipment to the greatest extent practicable. Inefficient and mercury-containing lighting may be offered only when there is no practical LED alternative available.
    To ensure performance, all LED Lighting mist have one of the following third-party certifications:
    • DesignLights Consortium (DLC)
    • CA Title 20 compliant (applies to LED retrofit kits and replacements for HID lamps)
  • All exterior luminaires must be cutoff (i.e., nighttime-friendly).
  • RCW 70A.230.150: Mercury Education and Reduction Act requires all government entities and businesses to recycle their end-of-life mercury-containing lamps.
    Accordingly, bidders must offer recycling kits and/or takeback services, particularly for mercury-containing light equipment (e.g., fluorescent and HID lamps) and ballasts that are removed when new luminaires and retrofit kits are purchased on this contract.

Preferred specifications

Purchasers should include these specifications, unless not possible:

  • Accordingly, bidders should offer LED lamps, retrofit kits, and luminaires as replacements for incandescent, halogen, fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lighting equipment to the greatest extent practicable. Inefficient and mercury-containing lighting may be offered only when there is no practical LED alternative available.
  • Additional desirable environmental and health attributes of LED lighting equipment include the following:
    • DLC Premium certified
    • RoHS compliant
    • Products with the longest rated life and warranties
    • Outdoor luminaires certified by the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) or DLC Luna

Things to avoid

Purchasers should avoid these specifications whenever possible:

  • RCW 70A.230.060: Mercury-free Product Preference and DES’ Nonmercury-Added Products Purchasing Preference (POL-DES-70A.230-00) state, “The department of enterprise services must give priority and preference to the purchase of equipment, supplies, and other products that contain no mercury-added compounds or components, unless: (a) There is no economically feasible nonmercury-added alternative that performs a similar function; or (b) the product containing mercury is designed to reduce electricity consumption by at least forty percent and there is no nonmercury or lower mercury alternative available that saves the same or a greater amount of electricity as the exempted product. In circumstances where a nonmercury-added product is not available, preference must be given to the purchase of products that contain the least amount of mercury added to the product necessary for the required performance.”

Laws, rules, and executive orders

These laws, rules, and executive orders must be included in the contract language:

Find these products on statewide contracts

Find products that meet Washington’s green purchasing specifications:

End of life

Surplus goods that still can be used

  • Use surplus disposal to get rid of items you no longer need. Keep materials out of landfills and make funds for your agency.

Recycling and disposal

Hazardous waste disposal guidelines and options: