Motivating & Coaching to Build Top Talent
Organizations need people to step up and get the job done. Most organizations expect this without giving enough of the right kinds of support to staff and without insisting on the right kinds of activities from managers. This class helps participants create environments that compel initiative at every level and gives them the hands-on coaching practice needed to develop people’s capacity, be they already high-performers, entry level staff, or somewhere in between.
Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course you should be able to:
- Assess your organization for four variables that drive employee performance.
- Determine your own effectiveness at motivating and leading others.
- Embrace the role of coach in guiding people through conversations that need to take place.
- Utilize the six steps of a good coaching conversation.
- Decide whom to coach, and develop conversational strategies that will produce the desired outcome.
- Effectively deliver positive reinforcement so constructive feedback can be optimized.
- Know the importance of keeping conversations focused on what can be improved and how it can be done.
- “Coach up” safely and more effectively.
- Energize staff to take ownership and drive positive ethics.
- Write and implement an actual coaching plan.
- Understand why some people won't get on board and what to do about it.
- Discover how to create a work culture that inspires commitment and growth.
- Practice real-life coaching scenarios so you can take action when you return to work.
Competencies covered in this course: Performance Leadership, Communications Effectiveness, development and continual learning, Coaching & Mentoring
Intended audience: Mid-level functional or technical managers who want to grow in leadership standing and in their ability to influence positive organizational outcomes. Also team leads and supervisors who want to learn about management for future roles.