

Language of Leadership: Enhancing Your Leadership Potential

Course Code: 01-09-M308

Effective leadership requires a diverse set of skills that inspire others to follow. Communication plays a crucial role in this influence. This course focuses on enhancing your ability to influence others by examining the impact of the language used by leaders. Through interactive exercises, you will develop essential skills for communicating as a successful leader. These skills enable you to establish positive, optimistic, and empowering connections, fostering commitment and self-confidence among your team members.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the connection between language and attitude.
  • Use positive language to avoid creating resistance.
  • Know what to say when things go wrong.
  • Help your team focus on what they can control.
  • Encourage others to accept responsibility.
  • Use words that make people feel effective.
  • Ask questions that bring out the best in others.

Intended Audience: Current and emerging leaders.