

Multigenerational Workforce Challenges & Solutions

Course Code: 2496

A welcoming work environment appreciates people of all generations and encourages curiosity. This training teaches you how lead thriving, multigenerational workplaces.  You will learn the significant historical events that shaped each generation and how to use this information to motivate and manage employees. Using our RX3 adult learning methodology, you will reflect on the characteristics and stereotypes of each generation, research best practices, and build new behaviors that promote positivity.

 Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

·         Create a generational Lean Canvas to support recruitment, orientation, retention, and succession planning.

·         Understand the needs of the four generations in the workplace: Boomers, Gen X, Millennial, and Gen Z.

·         Engage all generations individually through listening, understanding, and activating activities.

·         Create a social environment for all generations to feel included, thrive, and feel a sense of belonging.

·         Connect your agency’s mission to the core strengths of each generation to leverage their contributions.    

  Intended Audience: Leaders, managers, supervisors, HR consultants, DEI specialists.