To evaluate best practices of GC/CM procurement – what is working and not working, provides summary of best practices to CPARB, identify outcomes that could be achieved, document changes to the statute and recommend those changes. (Best Practices/Guidelines document comes after this process.)
Committee members
Chair: Nick Datz
Members: (13, 7 required for quorum)
Nick Datz (Public Owners), Shannon Gustine (General Contractors), Mark Nakagawara (Cities), _____ (DES), Santosh Kuruvilla (Engineers), Sam Miller (Architects), Todd Mitchell (Construction Trades Labor), Scott Middleton (Specialty Contractors), John Palewicz (Private Industry), Traci Rogstad (K-12 Schools), ___ (OMWBE), Alexis Blue (Higher Ed), Janice Zahn (Ports) - Updated 8/12/2022
Future meetings
Work in progress
- GC/CM best practices - draft
- GC/CM best practices feedback form - feedback submission window closes June 24, 2024
Past meetings
This meeting was canceled.
This meeting was canceled.
The meeting has been canceled.