Gun rights rally at the Capitol on Jan. 15
The Department of Enterprise Services has issued a permit for a “Gun Rights” rally to be held near the Legislative Building on Friday, Jan. 15.
The rally will be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
The event organizers – the Gun Rights Coalition – estimate that up to 200 people will attend.
Many participants are expected to openly carry firearms, as is allowed under state law. There is no prohibition against carrying weapons on the capitol grounds.
As with many campus events, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) will have troopers on duty during the rally.
WSP advises anyone who perceives a threat on the Capitol grounds at any time to call 9-1-1.
Some of the people attending the Second Amendment rally may stick around for another rally that is scheduled to take place later at the same location.
All permitted events, rallies and other activities scheduled to take place on the Capitol Campus can be viewed on the Enterprise Services website.
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