DES to take comments on a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Capitol Lake - Deschutes Estuary Long-Term Management Project during July 27 public hearing
OLYMPIA – The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) is inviting people to comment on a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Capitol Lake - Deschutes Estuary Long-Term Management Project during a July 27 virtual public hearing.
The hearing is from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. People who want to comment during the hearing are encouraged to register. Registration is not required to join Zoom to observe the hearing, which also will be broadcast live via TVW.
DES is seeking comments through Aug. 13. All comments submitted will be considered equally regardless of how they are submitted.
Other ways to commentemail or mail (DES - Capitol Lake – Deschutes Estuary EIS, PO Box 41476, Olympia, WA 98504-1476)
Guide to commentingComments that are identical (e.g., form letters) or similar in nature will be treated as single comments.
Comments that address a specific aspect of the project or the Draft EIS, rather than simply expressing a preference for or against the project alternatives, are most useful. Comments should be as specific as possible. It is also helpful if the comments refer to chapters and pages of the Draft EIS.
Learn more about submitting substantive comments
About the Draft EIS
The Draft EIS contains an impartial analysis of three long-term management alternatives – a managed lake, an estuary, and a hybrid – and discusses how the environment would change under these alternatives, including potential impacts and benefits, and ways to avoid or minimize the impacts. An EIS supports informed decision making. Neither short-term actions like dredging nor a long-term management alternative can be implemented without an EIS.