Policies, Laws & Rules Search

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83 results

Affordable Housing Entity Joint Self-Insurance Property and Liability Program Requirements

WAC Chapter 200-120

Risk management Rule
These rules govern affordable housing self-insurance transactions to implement RCW 48.64.

Alcohol Use Restricted on the Capitol Campus


Capitol Campus Policy Procedure
This policy establishes the minimum standards of accountability and responsibility in the restricted use of
alcohol on the capitol buildings and grounds (Capitol Campus). These guidelines are in addition to the rules and other requirements governing activities at the Capitol Campus.

Alternative Public Works Contracting Procedures

RCW 39.10

Public works Procedure Law
Alternative public works contracting procedures may best serve the public interest if they’re implemented in an open and fair process based on objective and equitable criteria. This law authorizes certain supplemental alternative public works contracting procedures, ensures they serve the public interest, and establishes a process for evaluating them.

Antidiscrimination clauses in public contracting

RCW 49.60.530

Enterprise procurement Public works Law
The law requires an antidiscrimination clause in every public contract for public works or goods and services beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

Appeal of Denial of Use of the Capitol Buildings and Grounds


Capitol Campus Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish the appeal process available to anyone denied use of the Capitol buildings and grounds (Capitol Campus).

Authorization of DES to fine or debar contractors

RCW 39.26.200

Enterprise procurement Risk management Law
This RCW provides DES the authority to fine or debar.

Bridge Banner Standards


Capitol Campus Procedure
DES is granted authority to manage the displays of banners on the pedestrian bridge over Capitol Way South at 14th.

Capitol Building Lands

RCW 79.24

Capitol Campus Public works Procedure Law
Land given to Washington state by the federal government to build public buildings at the state capitol are designated as “Capitol Building Lands.”

Capitol Campus Use Rate Schedule


Capitol Campus Policy Procedure
Applies to anyone using the Capitol Campus for a display or event.

Capitol Lake and Adjoining Lands and Roadways

WAC Chapter 200-210

Capitol Campus Rule
WAC Chapter 200-210 describes how the Department of Enterprise Services may grant access to Capitol Lake and nearby lands and roadways.

Collision/Accident Reporting


Fleet operations Risk management Procedure
This procedure applies to drivers on official state business who are involved in a collision/accident resulting in property damage or injuries.

Commercial filming, videography, and photography

No. VS-01-03

Capitol Campus Policy Procedure
The purpose of this policy is to provide for the safety and protection of state facilities and people.

Competitive Contracting

WAC Chapter 200-320

Enterprise procurement Rule
WAC Chapter 200-320 provides clear, simple, fair, and consistent guidance for RCW 41.06.142, which describes how contracting works for state employees.

Complaints and Protests


Enterprise procurement Policy
This policy will focus on the minimum requirements for a more formal complaint and protest process (as required in RCW 39.26.170), criteria for filing a complaint or protest, agency response requirements and timelines, and clear and transparent processes.

Compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act

WAC Chapter 200-10

Environmental Rule
This chapter explains the processes the Department of Enterprise Services uses to comply with the Environmental Policy Act.

Contract Management


Enterprise procurement Policy Procedure
The Contract Management Policy establishes uniform standards for effective and efficient management of agency contracts. To ensure agency business objectives are met during the contracting process, agencies must actively engage in contract management in the following three Contract Life Cycle Phases: 1) Pre-award, 2) Award, and 3) Post-award.

Contracting for Goods and Services

WAC Chapter 200-300

Enterprise procurement Rule
The purpose of this chapter is to set forth rules and regulations applicable to the purchase of goods and services by, through, or under authority delegated by, the Department of Enterprise Services.

Contracts for Architectural and Engineering Services

RCW 39.80

Public works Law
This law creates a state policy for government agencies that requires them to publicly announce requirements for architectural and engineering services. It also explains how contracts for these services must be negotiated.

Convenience Contracts


Enterprise procurement Policy Procedure
This policy applies whenever an agency intends to create a convenience contract for the purchase of goods and services under RCW 39.26.

A convenience contract is not available for general use, should only be used if there’s no statewide contract to meet the need, and must be approved by DES.

Debarment Procedures

WAC Chapter 200-305

Enterprise procurement Risk management Rule
Codifies executive branch agency regulations. Chapter 200-305 covers debarment.