Policies, Laws & Rules Search
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31 results
Complaints and Protests - DES-170-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy will focus on the minimum requirements for a more formal complaint and protest process (as required in RCW 39.26.170), criteria for filing a complaint or protest, agency response requirements and timelines, and clear and transparent processes.
Contract Management Policy - DES-080-02
Current/Adopted PolicyThe Contract Management Policy establishes uniform standards for effective and efficient management of agency contracts. To ensure agency business objectives are met during the contracting process, agencies must actively engage in contract management in the following three Contract Life Cycle Phases: 1) Pre-award, 2) Award, and 3) Post-award.
Delegation of Authority - DES-090-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy applies whenever an agency purchases or leases goods and/or services under Chapter 39.26 RCW. The goal is to provide each agency with authority that is tailored to fulfill the agency’s mission.
Direct Buy Procurements/Purchases - DES-125-03
Current/Adopted PolicyA competitive solicitation process must be used for all purchases of goods and services unless there is an exception listed under RCW 39.26.125. Direct buy purchases are one of the exceptions, which do not require a competitive process. Certain public purchases do not justify the administrative time and expenses necessary to conduct a competitive process.
Electronic Products Purchasing Preference - DES-265-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy establishes the purchasing preference authorized in RCW 39.26.265(1) for agencies competitive purchases of electronic products that meet environmental performance standards relating to the reduction or elimination of hazardous materials.
Enterprise Commercial Card Policy - DES-F0-03-01
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy applies whenever state issued credit cards or similar methods are used to make purchases. State
issued credit cards, used by agencies to pay for goods and services, improve efficiency, flexibility, and
convenience related to purchasing goods and services.
issued credit cards, used by agencies to pay for goods and services, improve efficiency, flexibility, and
convenience related to purchasing goods and services.
Making Emergency Purchases of Goods and Services - DES-130-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy establishes criteria and qualifications, reporting requirements and timelines, and reporting exemptions related to emergency purchases. See RCW 39.26.130. These reporting requirements promote state agency transparency of emergency purchases which are exceptions from competition. See RCW 39.36.125(1).
Nonmercury-Added Products Purchasing Preference - DES-70A.230-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy establishes the purchasing priority and preference required in RCW 70A.230 for competitive purchases
of products that may contain mercury. This statutory requirement was adopted to eliminate or reduce threats to
human health and the environment from release of mercury.
of products that may contain mercury. This statutory requirement was adopted to eliminate or reduce threats to
human health and the environment from release of mercury.
Purchases of Washington Grown Food - DES-090-09
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy encourages agencies to purchase Washington grown food.
Purchasing Preference for Products and Product Packaging That Do Not Contain Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - DES-280-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy establishes the purchasing preference authorized in RCW 39.26.280 for agencies purchasing products and product packaging that do not contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The intent is to incentivize the State’s contract suppliers to provide products and product packaging that do not contain PCBs.
Purchasing Preference for Products That Do Not Contain Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - DES-310-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy establishes the purchasing preference authorized in RCW 39.26.310 for competitive purchases of products that do not contain hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) or contain HFCs with a comparatively low global warming potential. The intent is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by incentivizing the State’s contract suppliers to provide products that do not contain HFCs.
Recycled Content Purchasing Preference - DES-255-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy implements the purchasing preference authorized in RCW 39.26.255 and WAC 200-300-085 for competitive purchases of products containing recycled material and designates specifications for the purchase of products containing recycled material. The intent is to advance recycling through the purchase and use of new products containing or manufactured with recycled materials.
Reporting Agency Contracts - DES-210-01
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy establishes agency contract reporting requirements under Chapter 39.26 RCW. The purposes of these reporting requirements are to promote state agency contract transparency, to centralize the location of contract purchase information, and to provide the public with agency contract spending information in a searchable manner.
Sole Source Contracts - DES-140-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy applies whenever an agency intends to purchase or lease goods and/or services under Chapter 39.26 RCW that are only available from a single source as defined in RCW 39.26.010(23).
Supplier Diversity - DES-090-06
Current/Adopted PolicyThe purpose of this policy is to ensure that all procurement professionals and those with acquisition responsibilities use approved, legally compliant strategies that encourage and facilitate the purchase of goods and services from small, diverse, and veteran-owned businesses to the maximum extent possible. Agencies must take action to remove barriers that prevent small, diverse, and veteran-owned businesses from receiving equitable access to state goods and services procurements.
Supporting Workers' Rights to Effectively Address Workplace Violations - DES-EO 18-03
DES-EO 18-03
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy applies to all state executive cabinet agencies and small cabinet agencies (collectively "covered agencies") and is designed to implement Executive Order 18-03.
Using Goods and Services Procurement Bonds - DES-190-00
Current/Adopted PolicyThis policy provides the following information: describes the different types of procurement bonds, considerations for the appropriate use of procurement bonds as well as alternatives to procurement bonds, and clarification on responsible bidder determination.
Convenience Contracts - DES-070-00
Draft/Proposed PolicyThis policy applies whenever an agency intends to create a convenience contract for the purchase of goods and services under RCW 39.26.
A convenience contract is not available for general use, should only be used if there’s no statewide contract to meet the need, and must be approved by DES.
A convenience contract is not available for general use, should only be used if there’s no statewide contract to meet the need, and must be approved by DES.
Purchase, Rent, or Dispose of a Motor Vehicle - BR.01.01.P4
Current/Adopted ProcedureProcedural steps for purchasing, renting, or disposing of a motor vehicle.
Alternative Public Works Contracting Procedures - RCW 39.10
RCW 39.10
Current/Adopted LawAlternative public works contracting procedures may best serve the public interest if they’re implemented in an open and fair process based on objective and equitable criteria. This law authorizes certain supplemental alternative public works contracting procedures, ensures they serve the public interest, and establishes a process for evaluating them.