
Information Technology

SQL Structured Query Language Level 1

Course Code: 01-04-T808

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the programming language for managing data in relational databases. In this course, you will practice writing SQL queries to retrieve, summarize, modify, and analyze business data.  We will also discuss the theory and logic behind the language and its elements. This course uses SQL Server and T-SQL (Microsoft’s SQL dialect) for class exercises, but the material is useful for anyone using other relational database systems like Oracle, MySQL, Access, or MariaDB.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Retrieve data using SELECT statement.
  • Use WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, and TOP clauses.
  • Handle NULL values.
  • Join multiple tables using CROSS, INNER, and OUTER JOINS.
  • Work with self-contained, correlated, and aggregate sub queries.
  • Use set operations such as UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT.
  • Modify data with the INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements.
  • Use math related and other functions like SUM, AVG, and GETDATE().

Prerequisite: You should have a basic knowledge of relational database structures and terminology before taking this course.

Intended Audience: This course is appropriate for anyone responsible for writing queries using SQL.