

Editing & Proofreading for Public Sector Professionals

Course Code: 01-03-EW39

In this course, you will acquire essential editing and proofreading skills for every form of writing in the public sector and learn to produce error-free work that stands up to scrutiny in a regulatory environment. This course teaches you how to convey complex information in clear, focused content. You will learn how to lead others to understand and trust your writing, and you will gain confidence and technical competence to edit your work and the work of others.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Edit to ensure all users can find, understand, and use all content.
  • Use plain language, design thinking, and user experience (UX) writing standards to help users succeed.
  • Use sentence structure and information design to lead readers through content.
  • Edit to cut out clutter and complexity.
  • Spot and correct all grammar and spelling errors.
  • Correctly use pronouns, ensure subject-verb agreement, choose the right words, and punctuate properly.
  • Edit to achieve the right tone for each user and purpose.
  • Lead editing workgroups.
  • Use provided job aids: editorial checklists, spelling prompts, and correct word choice guides.

Intended Audience: All audiences.