
Information Technology

C# Level 1

Course Code: 01-04-T901

This interactive C# course for beginners teaches you how to write and run C# code. It concentrates on helping you understand the C# language, rather than using Visual Studio.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Use variables, operators, and expressions.
  • Declare and call methods and apply scope.
  • Make decisions with If and Switch statements.
  • Write While, For and Do loops.
  • Catch and handle exceptions.
  • Manage classes and objects.
  • Use arrays and collections.
  • Work with inheritance.
  • Implement Garbage Collection.
  • Handle events.
  • Validate data.

Prerequisites: You should be familiar with the Windows Operating System and have six months experience with any programming language before taking this class.

Intended Audience: This course is for anyone who needs to program C#.