

Creating and Sustaining Work-Life Balance

Course Code: 01-07-EE65

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for a more fulfilling and productive life. Blurred boundaries between our professional and personal lives results in negative consequences, such as stress, frustration, decreased productivity, higher turnover rates, and even deteriorating health. Prioritizing a positive work-life balance enhances our overall well-being and happiness.

In this training session, you will gain the tools to identify and address areas of imbalance in your life. By learning and implementing effective strategies, you will make a positive change in these areas. Additionally, you will explore common obstacles that hindered your progress in the past and understand how they were formed. By the end of this training, you will walk away with a personalized plan to achieve the change you desire.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Define a healthy work-life balance and its benefits.
  • Recognize the challenges to sustaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Identify your common obstacles and areas of resistance.
  • Implement strategies to make positive changes.
  • Create a personalized plan for change.

Intended Audience: All audiences.