
Personal & Professional Development

Conflict Resolution – Getting Along in the Workplace

Course Code: 2405

Effective conflict management is vital in all relationships, whether personal or professional. While not all conflicts can be resolved, they can be managed. Conflict can promote personal development and encourage innovation and improvement, but if left unaddressed or improperly handled, it can lead to detrimental outcomes such as damaged relationships and emotional turmoil. This course equips you with the necessary skills and strategies to prevent conflicts from arising and manage them more effectively.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify different types and stages of conflicts and learn common conflict resolution techniques.
  • Implement de-escalation techniques and intervention strategies to defuse tense situations and achieve win-win solutions.
  • Increase positive information flow through non-verbal and verbal communication skills.
  • Navigate challenging situations with professionalism.
  • Recognize the appropriate conflict resolution style for a given situation.
  • Confidently manage conflict to increase productivity and performance.

Intended Audience: All audiences.