Information Technology
SQL Language Basics
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the programming language for managing data in relational databases. This class discusses the theory, logic, and syntax of SQL and gives you basic understanding of SQL capabilities. The class format includes lecture and real-world examples.
Performance Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Describe parts of the SQL language and understand its power within relational databases.
- Use SQL to retrieve data from a relational database.
- Work with SQL calculations and functions to manipulate data.
- Add conditional logic for more complex selections.
- Join multiple related tables.
- Recognize and understand the power of subqueries.
- Describe using SQL to change data in a database.
Prerequisite: You should be familiar with using personal computers, the mouse, and keyboard. You should be able to use Windows to launch and close programs, navigate to information stored on the computer, and manage files and folders.
Intended Audience: This course is appropriate for anyone, but it is especially ideal for communications professionals engaged in project planning. It equips non-IT professionals with a basic understanding of the IT world.