Policies, Laws & Rules Search

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30 results

Antidiscrimination clauses in public contracting - RCW 49.60.530

RCW 49.60.530

Current/Adopted Law
The law requires an antidiscrimination clause in every public contract for public works or goods and services beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

Authorization of DES to fine or debar contractors - RCW 39.26.200

RCW 39.26.200

Current/Adopted Law
This RCW provides DES the authority to fine or debar.

Contracts for Architectural and Engineering Services - RCW 39.80

RCW 39.80

Current/Adopted Law
This law creates a state policy for government agencies that requires them to publicly announce requirements for architectural and engineering services. It also explains how contracts for these services must be negotiated.

Department of Enterprise Services - RCW 43.19

RCW 43.19

Current/Adopted Law
The department of enterprise services was created to centralize leadership and efficiently and cost-effectively manage resources to support state government's delivery of services. The mission of the department is to implement a world-class, customer-focused organization that provides valued products and services to government and state residents.

Procurement of Goods & Services - RCW 39.26

RCW 39.26

Current/Adopted Law
RCW 39.26 provides state law regarding the procurement of goods and services by state government entities.

Purchase of spoken language interpreter services - RCW 39.26.300

RCW 39.26.300

Current/Adopted Law
Requirements for purchase of spoken language interpreter services—when authorized.

Recycled Product Procurement - RCW 43.19A

RCW 43.19A

Current/Adopted Law
This chapter contains guidance and directions for local governments and public agencies to increase recycled product procurement.

Competitive Contracting - WAC Chapter 200-320

WAC Chapter 200-320

Current/Adopted Rule
WAC Chapter 200-320 provides clear, simple, fair, and consistent guidance for RCW 41.06.142, which describes how contracting works for state employees.

Contracting for Goods and Services - WAC Chapter 200-300

WAC Chapter 200-300

Current/Adopted Rule
The purpose of this chapter is to set forth rules and regulations applicable to the purchase of goods and services by, through, or under authority delegated by, the Department of Enterprise Services.

Debarment Procedures - WAC Chapter 200-305

WAC Chapter 200-305

Current/Adopted Rule
Codifies executive branch agency regulations. Chapter 200-305 covers debarment.