Information Technology
Excel 2016-2019 Level 3
If you are an experienced Excel user who wants to build on knowledge and skills, this course is for you. This course will build on your prior knowledge in excel and will provide advanced tools for solving real-world problems.
Perofrmance Objectives:Upon successful completion of this course you should be able to:
- Working with multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
- Use lookup functions, trace cells, evaluate function and watch windows
- Sharing and collaborating on workbooks
- Protecting worksheets and workbooks
- Using data validation
- Creating basic macros
- Visualizing data with sparklines and maps
- Forecasting data
Recommended Prerequisites: Completion of the Microsoft Excel 2016 Level 1 & 2 courses or equivalent knowledge and experience is strongly recommended.
Book: Excel 2016 Part 3 (Logical Operations)